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2008-06-27 13:57:42   出处:   发布人:连云港律师网   浏览:4647



第一条  定义
第二条  合同范围
第三条  合同价格
第四条  支付条件
第五条  资料的交付和改进
第六条  侵权和保证
第七条  税费
第八条  争议的解决
第九条  合同生效和其他
附件一  专利资料的名称、内容和申请情况(略)
附件二  合同产品的型号、规格和技术参数(略)
附件三  提成费的起算时间和计算方法(略)
附件四  出让方查帐的内容和方法(略)

Section 1 Definitions
Section 2 Scope of the Contact
Section 3 Price of the Contract
Section 4 Conditions of Payment
Section 5 Delivery and Improvement of the Technical Documentation
Section 6 Infringements and Guarantees
Section 7 Taxes and Duties
Section 8 Dispute Settlements
Section 9 Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous
Appendix 1 Name, Content of Patent Documents andApplication of the Patents (omitted)
Appendix 2 Models, Specifications and Technical Indices ofthe Contract Products (omitted)
Appendix 3 The Starting Date and Counting Methods ofRoyalty (omitted)
Appendix 4 The Content and Methods of Licensor'sAuditing (omitted)


Signature Date:


Signature Place:


Contract No.:

中国          公司(以下简称“受让方”)为一方,                              公司(以下简称“出让方”)为另一方。

China, Beijing, Company (hereinafter referred to as“Licensee”) on the one hand, and Country, City,Company (hereinafter referred to as “Licensor”) on the otherhand;

鉴于出让方是          技术的专利权持有者;

Whereas the patent right of________is owned by Licensor;

鉴于出让方有权,并且也同意将          专利技术的使用权、制造权和产品的销售权授予受让方;

Whereas Licensor has the right and agreed to grant Licenseethe rights to use, manufacture and sell the Contract Products of thePatented Technology;


Whereas Licensee hope to use the Patented Technology ofLicensor to manufacture and sell the Contract Products;


Both Parties authorized representatives, through friendlynegotiation, have agreed to enter into this Contract under the termsas stipulated below:


Section 1Definitions

1.1“专利技术”--是指本合同附件一中所列的技术,该技术已于                              日经中国专利局批准,获得了专利权,其专利编号为          

1.1 “Patented Technology” means the technology which haswritten in Appendix 1 to the Contract , it was approved by ChinaPatent office in and granted the patent right, the patentnumber is

1.2“出让方”--是指                              公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。

1.2 “Licensor” means________Country,________City,Company or the Legal representative, or agency and the property successor of the Company.

1.3“受让方”--是指中国          公司,或者该公司的法人代表、代理和财产继承者。

1.3 “Licensee”means China________Company, or the legalrepresentative, or agency and the property successor of theCompany.


1.4 “The Contract Products” means the products stipulatedin Appendix 2 to the Contract.

1.5“合同工厂”--是指生产合同产品的工厂,该工厂在                    市,名叫          工厂。

1.5 “The Contract Factory” means the factory whichmanufactures the Contract products, it is located in________City,Province and named


1.6 “Net Selling Price” means the remaining sum which theselling commercial invoice price deducts the packing expenses,transportation  expenses, insurance  premium, commissions,commercial discounts, taxes and expenses for brought out elementsand parts etc.


1.7 “The Patent Documents” means all related documentscovered in Appendix 1 to the Contract.


1.8 “The Date of Coming into Effect of the Contract” meansthe date of ratification of the Contract by the competent authoritiesof both parties, whichever comes later.


Section 2Scope of the Contract


2.1 Licensee has agreed to obtain from Licensor, Licensorhas agreed to grant Licensee the right to design, manufacture andsell the Contract Products. The name, model, specification andtechnical indices of the Contract Products are detailed in Appendix2 to the Contract.


2.2 Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee the licence andright to design, manufacture, use, sell and export the ContractProducts in China. The licence and right are non-exclusive anduntransferable.


2.3 Licensor has been responsible to provide Licensee witlrthe Patented Documents of the Contract Products, including thename, content, application for patent and number of the patentetc. the specific documentation is detailed in Appendix 1 to theContract.


2.4 In the course of implementation of the ContractLicensor has obligation , upon the request of Licensee, to provideLicensee at the best favourable price with the technical services orsome components, spare parts and raw materials which arenecessary for manufacturing the Contract Products. When the timecomes, both parties will sign the new contract through friendlyconsultation.


2.5 Licensor has agreed to grant Licensee the Licence and right to use the trade mark of Licensor, and use the combinati trade mark of both parties or mark the wording production according to Licensor's licence on the Contract Products.


Section 3Price of the Contract


3.1 Price of the Contract shall be calculated on Royalty ir accordance with the content and scope stipulated in Section 9 to the Contract and shall be paid in US Dollars.

3.2本合同提成费的计算时间从合同生效之日后的第          个月开始,按日历年度计算,每年的十二月三十一日为提成费的结算日。

3.2 Royalty under the Contract shall be paid from months after the date of coming into effect of the Contract in term of Calendar Year. The date of settling accounts shall be 3lst December of each year.

3.3提成费按当年度合同产品销售后的净销售价格计算,提成率为          %,合同产品未销售出去的不应计算提成费。

3.3 Royalty at the rate of_________% (_______percent) shall lcalculated in terms of net Selling Price after the Contract Productsare soly in this year, the Contract Products which not sold shall notbe included.


3.4 The report of the selling quantity, net selling amount ofthe Contract Products and Royalty which should be paid in lastyear shall be submitted to Licensor in written form by licenseewithin 10 (ten) days after the date of settling accounts toRoyalty. The specific methods which calculate net selling amountand Royalty are detailed in Appendix 3 to the Contract.


3.5 If Licensor demand to audit the accounts of Licensee, itshall notice Licensee within 10(ten) days after receiving the writtennotice of Licensee in accordance with Section 3.4 of theContract. The specific content and procedure of auditing accountsare detailed in Appendix 4 to the Contract.


Section 4Conditions of Payment

4.1本合同第三条中规定的提成费,受让方将通过          银行(此处为受让方的业务银行)和          银行(此处为出让方的业务银行)支付给出让方,支付中使用的货币为美元。

4.1 Royalty stipulated in Section 3 to the Contract shall beeffected by Licensee to Licensor through the Bank ________ (here it isthe business Bank of Licensee) and the Bank_________(here it is thebusiness Bank of Licensor), payment shall be settled in US Dollars.


4.2 Licensor shall immediately issue the related documentsafter receiving the written notice submitted by Licensee inaccordance with Section 3.4 of the Contract. the Royalty shall bepaid by Licensee to Licensor within 30 (thirty) days after Licenseehas received the following documents which are provided byLicensor and found them in conformity with the stipulations of theCOntract:


A.Four copies of the statement on calculation of the royalty;


B.Four copies of the commercial invoice;


C.Two copies of the sight draft.


4.3 Licensee shall have the right to deduct from any of theabove mentioned payment the penalties and/or compensationswhich licensor shall pay in accordance with the stipulations of theContract.


section 5 Delivery and Improvement of theTechnical Documentation


5.1 The Patent name, content and related situation whichlicensor applied for the patent from China Patent Office shall beprovided by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with stipulations inAppendix 2 to the Contract.


5.2 The Patent Documents stipulated in Section 5. I to theContract shall be provided by Licensor to Licensee while theContract was signed. (note: Because the Patent Documents areready-made, Licensor shall provide with in signing Contract. )


5.3 Within the validity period of the Contract, both partiesshall provide each other with the improvement and development ofthe Technology related to the Contract Products free of charge.


5.4 The improved and developed technology shall be ownedby the party who improved and developed the technology, the otherparty shall be prohibited from applying for the patent,transfering to the third party.


Section 6Infringements and Guarantees


6.1 Licensor guarantees that Licensor is the legitimate owner of all the Patented Technology and Documentation supplied by Licensor to Licensee in accordance with the Contract, and that Licensor is lawful in a position to transfer all such Technology and Technical  Documentation  to  Licensee. In  the  course  of implementation of the Contract, if any third party accuses Licensee of infringement, Licensor shall be responsible for approaching the third party about the accusation and bear all the economic and legal responsibilities which may arise.

6.2出让方保证本合同中涉及的专利在合同执行期间是有效的和合法的。如果由于出让方的原因导致专利提前失效时,出让方应将专利失效后受让方支付的费用偿还给受让方,并按          %的年息加计利息,与本金一起偿付给受让方。

6.2 Licensor guarantees that the Patent covered by the Contract shall be lawful and valid in the course of implementationof the Contract. If because of Licensor the Patent advancedly ceaseto be in force, Licensor shall repay expenses which have been paidby Licensee after the Patent has ceased to be in force; and plus theinterest at the rate of_________% (________percent) per annum shall bepaid by Licensor to Licensee.


6.3 Within the validity period of the Contract, Licensor shallpay the cost of maintaining the patent on time in accordance withrelated stipulation of the China Patent Office so as to maintain thePatent effectiveness.


6.4 In the course of implementation of the Contract, if thelegal nature of the Patent concerned in the Contract has changed,Licensor shall immediately notify Licensee this case in writtenform, then both parties solve the problem of further execution ofthe Contract through consultation.


Section 7Taxes and Duties


7.1  All the taxes and duties in connection with and in theexecution of the Contract to be levied on Licensee by theGovernment of the People's Republic of China in accordance withthe Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensee.


7.2  All the taxes and duties in connection with and inexecution of the Contract to be levied on Licensor by theGovernment of the People's Republic of China in accordance withthe Chinese Tax Laws in effect shall be paid by Licensor.


Section 8Dispute Settlements


8.1  All disputes in connection with or in the execution of theContract shall be settled through friendly consultation by bothparties.

8.2如双方通过协商不能达成协议时,则应提交中国的仲裁机构或中国的有关法院解决。如果是诉诸仲裁,则由          仲裁委员会按该会的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁;如果是通过诉讼,则由受让方所在地的人民法院根据中国的有关法律进行审理。

8.2  In case no settlement to disputes can be reached throughfriendly consultation by both parties, the disputes shall be settledby Chinese arbitrational authority or related Chinese Court.arbitration is chosen, the case shall be submitted to the ForeignEconomic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Councilfor the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration inaccordance with its provisional rules of procedure. If lawsuit ischosen, the case shall be submitted to the People's Court which islocated in Licensee's residence for hearing in accordance withrelated Chinese laws.


8.3  The arbitration award or the Court judgement are final and binding upon both parties.


8.4  The arbitration fee or the lawsuit fee shall be borne bythe losing party.


8.5  In the course or settling disputes, the Contract shall becontinuously executed by both parties except for the part which isunder arbitration or lawsuit.


Section 9Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

9.1本合同由双方授权代表于                              日在          签字。各方应分别向其有关当局申请批准,以最后一方的批准日期为本合同的生效日期。双方应尽最大努力争取在九十天内获得合同的批准,然后用电传通知对方,并用信件确认。

9.1 The Contract is signed by the authorised representativesof both parties on in Beijing. Immediately after signing theContract, both parties shall apply to the competent authorities oftheir respective Government for ratification of the Contract, thedate of ratification of the competent authorities of both' partiesGovernment, whichever comes later, shall be taken as the date ofcoming into effect of the Contract. Both parties shall try theirutmost to obtain the ratification within 90 (ninety) days aftersigning the Contract. upon obtaining the ratification from thecompetent authority of has Government, one party shall inform theother party by telex or fax within the shortest possible time andsend to the other party a letter confirming the date of ratification.


9.2 If the Contract has not come into force within 6 (six)months after signing the Contract, both parties shall have the rightto cancel the Contract. The Patent Documents stipulated in Section5.2 to the Contract shall be returned by Licensee to Licensor oncethe Contract has been canceled.

9.3本合同的有效期从合同生效日算起共          年,有效期满后本合同自动失效。

9.3 The Contract shall be valid for period of yearsfrom the date of coming into force of the Contract. The Contractshall become null and void automatically after the expiration of thesaid period.


9.4 After the Contract has expired, if the Patent concernedin the Contract is still valid, Licensee shall not continuously use thePatent. If Licensee demands to use the Patent continuously, theContract shall be renewed between both parties; if the Patent.concerned in the Contract lose effectiveness, Licensee maycontinuously use the Patent without paying any charge to Licensor.


9.5 After the date of the expiry of validity period of theContract, all those creditor's rights and debts which have not beenfulfilled by either of the Parties shall still be fulfilled by bothparties without any influence of the expiry of validity period of theContract.


9.6 In the course of implementation of the Contract, all thealternations, amendments, supplements and subtractions to theContract have been agreed upon and signed in written documentsthrough consulation by both parties. They are integral partes of theContract and have same legal force and effect as in the Contract.


9.7 The Contract consists of Section 1 to Section 9 andAppendix 1 to Appendix 4, the text of the Contract and annexes areintegral parts of the Contract and have same legal force and effect.


9.8 The Contract is made out in English in four originals.two for each party. Within the validity period of the Contract, thecommunication between both parties shall be made in English; theformal notice shall be made in written from in two copies, sent byregistered air mail. The legal addresses of both parties of theContract are as follows.

A、受让方:          公司

A.Licensee:          Company.

地址:                              街道



Telex -



B、出让方:          公司

B.Licensor:________ Company.

地址:                              街道






出让方(盖章):          公司          受让方(盖章):          公司          

Authorized representative Authorized represe-

出让方代表(签字):                    受让方代表(签字):                    

of Licensee      ntation of Licensor
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